Friday, November 12, 2010

What would we do without You?

This was the profile picture that I saw when I clicked on my little brothers' face book page. That is his GIANT dog Tank, whom I prefer to call Hank. He's 9 months old and will keep growing until he is 2. 2!!! IThey came out to visit in July and brought Tank with them and asked he if could stay with us. Sure, I said. He have two dogs and lots of other dogs at the house all the time. We love dogs. No big deal. But BIG was the only true word in that sentence. We just couldn't accommodate him in our little home. And that dog missed his Mom like you wouldn't believe. Cried...err... howled for her the whole night, which in turn help Gabe to cry the whole night too. It was an unfortunate series of events I never saw coming. My sweet little brother has been on his 3rd tour of duty with the Army as of November 25th, 2009. I am so glad he's almost home. So proud that he goes so willingly to support what he believes in. And amazed at the strength of his family. I thought it was very sweet that this was his profile picture. That he is so proud of his wife and dog, and the other pictures of him with his sweet and all-boy boys because that is what is on his mind and what he loves and misses. I miss him, and love him. Thank you Arnold, I love you.

And in Honor of the other men in my family that have served, My older brother Robert in the Marines, as well as my father, my Grandfather, and list goes on. Regardless of politics, or measures, propositions, policies, etc. I love these men and women who serve and sacrifice for me and for what they believe. To my teachers like Vance Larson and his boy David, and my dear friends like Nate Seamons and his dear wife Mary Jane and their three kids Caroline, Anna, and baby Charlie, and Nate Lopez and Jon King who spent their time in the Navy (not at the same time) and the countless others that I haven't mentioned, I have so much gratitude and love in my hearts for you. Thank you.


  1. I love you too friend. Thank you and tell your unit that there are a lot of us back here who appreciate and love them.
